How to /msg the whole Chatroom at once
1st: You're gonna have to know how to use the
Cut and Paste feature.
2nd: type /who and a list of the people in the room will come up on the chat screen.
3rd: Look at the first name you see in the /who list that just came up. It will be a nickname like SNITCH316, blabla, blabla.... Press the FIND button on your keyboard and type in "SNITCH316,"
4th: Now the nickname (SNITCH316,) will be high-lighted. Use the SHIFT+Down and directional keys to scroll down all the nick names until you get to the last one. Then press cmd+c to copy it.
5th: Now after you've copied it their will be spaces between the commas behind the nick.
(_ indicates the space)Example:
SNITCH316,_randy420,_AUSTIN,_...... and so on. Erase those spaces so it will turn out like SNITCH316,randy420,AUSTIN....
6th: After you've erased the spaces, go to the beginning of all the text(all the nicknames) and put a /pm in front of it.
/pm SNITCH316,randy420,AUSTIN,..... and after you've added the /pm press RETURN and /msg the whole chatroom.